Cymmetri provides a bird’s eye view to user of all the user’s that report to.
Cymmetri provides an interface where users can view the applications assigned to the logged in user from where the user can access such applications using Single Sign-On (SSO). The SSO ensures that users do not need to remember the username and password to access the desired application.
The users can also request for access applications not yet assigned / entitled to them by providing the necessary information before being granted access.
The Application section under My Access provides user easy and friction-less access to the applications they want to use. Applications can be assigned to the user using the Cymmetri Provisioning framework, either as a birth-right (default) access, or through Provisioning Rules as defined by the Administrator. For applications where an approval is required, the Cymmetri Workflow processes such access requests before granting access to the user.
Search an application
The search bar on the Application page allows users to quickly search an application by its name. To use the search, click on the search icon followed by typing the name of the desired application.
The search result is automatically displayed for the matching applications below
The search for applications is across the tags defined by the user.
Performing SSO
The user can access any application by simply clicking on the desired application tile. Cymmetri will initiate the authentication request to the target application, and here, the user will get authenticated to the desired application in a new browser tab or window.
User accessing the applications which are assigned time bound basis, will show a snippet defining the access period. This is for the user’s information. The snippet is visible while user hovers over the application tile.
Managing application options
As a user self-service action, applications assigned to the user can provide the user with options to manage their access. Clicking on the menu button under an application tile opens a context menu for that application.
Under the setting context menu, the user can view the current Role assigned to user, and if configured by Administrator, the user can change or request for change the role assigned to them.
Revoke Consent
User can self revoke the consent granted at time of authentication with specified applications. This consent is required when user authorizes Cymmetri to capture certain user attributes.
The system will warn that the action cannot be undone.
After the user’s confirmation, Cymmetri will remove the consent granted for storing the user attributes.
The consent revoked by the user, may be essential for accessing the application via Cymmetri. At the time of next authentication of the application, the consent will be requested again and the user can choose to provide the same.
Request Extension
Cymmetri allows user to extend their access period for applications with time-bound access.
The user can opt the Request Extension option from the application context menu.
Cymmetri shows the current access end date. The user is required to select a new access end date and click on Request button.
On successful submission, the user can view the success message.
Copy to Tag
Users have an option to copy and application to any tag created. Refer the copying applications to a tag below.
Managing Tags
The user is allowed to create Tags to manage the applications assigned into different sections for ease of access.
Create a tag
To add a tag, click on Create New Tag button. Provide the desired name and click on Create button.
Once submitted successfully, the tag is visible on Application page.
User can create up to 4 tags. After user creates the fourth tag, the Create New Tag button is disabled.
A user cannot create a tag with an existing tag name. Cymmetri will show an error Tag with same name already exists.
Copying applications to a tag
User can copy applications from the All Applications section to any tag as desired. Click on the menu button inside an application tile, select the option Copy to Tag.
Once the tag is clicked, the system will copy the application to the respective tab and user will see the sucess message.
User can now view the application under the tag by clicking on the tag name.
User can move an application from one tag to another tag by following the above mentioned process.
Editing a tag name
User can rename a tag anytime by clicking on the menu button on the tag and selecting Rename option.
Type in the revised name for tag and click Update button.
On successful update, the tag name is changed and user can see the success message.
Deleting a tag
User can opt to delete a tag using the the delete tag option on clicking the Delete option.
Clicking on Delete will remove the tag immediately. On successful delete, the tag is removed and user can see the success message.
Deleting the tag will not remove the applications assigned to user. The applications can always be viewed under All Applications.
User can view the available applications after click on the Request button on the Application page under My Access.
The user can search all applications under Request by typing the required application name under the search box on top right corner.
The user can view all the applications that are available for the organization. The applications already assigned to the user are indicated by a green check mark.
The user can request for any application not already assigned to them by clicking on the required application tile.
The search can be used to quickly navigate to any application the user wants to access.
The user is required to select the period of access - either a Start and End Date for access or opt for Lifetime Access. After the selection, the user can submit the request by clicking the Save button.
Depending on the configuration performed by the Administrator, the user will be assigned to the application or the approval request for the user’s access will be initiated.
After all the approvals are granted, the user will be assigned to the application.
If there is no approval required for the requested role, the system will automatically assign the role to the user.
The Dashboard under My Workspace is the default page once the user has logged in to Cymmetri. This page is accessible to all users in Cymmetri.
Cymmetri assigns a basic user role to all users in the system be default. All users with such a role will be able to view the screen as below-
For users with a Cymmetri Administrator role will be able to view additional system information on the dashboard. An example dashboard view of a Cymmetri Administrator user -
Cymmetri Administration activities can be performed by users with different roles which can be assigned. The screen above
Recently Used Applications
The user sees a summary of the recently accessed applications and click on any of the application will result in SSO to such application. The system will show No recent apps if there are no applications accessed by user.
Access Expiring
The user is notified about the applications where the access will be automatically revoked after the stipulated time is over. The applications visible under this section are those whose access time is defined for the user and not provided as lifetime access to such user.
Running Certifications
The user sees a summary of the certification campaigns which are currently active. The user may require to provide access confirmations for continuing access of other Cymmetri users by either approving or revocation of such access. A click on the active campaign will lead the user to the Access Review section of Cymmetri My Workspace.
The user sees a summary count of requests that require logged in user’s attention. Access requests requiring the user’s confirmations are listed in the Inbox section of Cymmetri My Workspace. A quick reference of the available options are:
Pending Requests
Application Requests
New Applications
New Joinees
User can click on See All which will lead the user to Team section of Cymmetri My Workspace. The system will show count as zero is there are no new pending requests for the user. For each new unread request, the system will indicate the count in the orange box.
The Cymmetri application workflow mechanism is used to enforce approval of users access requests for the purpose of right-user-getting-correct-access. At the same time, providing a history of all such requests and their approvals ensures accurate reporting.
The Cymmetri Inbox section allows users to view and approve the access requests for other Cymmetri users. Apart from user access approval requests, the user can also view the status of their own access requests under My Requests section.
My Requests
The My Requests section lists all the application access requests raised by the logged in user. Here the user can view the status of the application access requests raised and review the access grant history.
The Open menu lists all the requests yet to be approved for the user.
The Closed menu lists all the requests that have been either approved or rejected for access.
By clicking on one of the mail list items, the user can view the history of the task. The details of the approve or reject action can be seen with the time and date of such an action as well as the comments of the approver if any.
The Requests section under Inbox lists the application access requests raised by other Cymmetri users.
Requesting for an application
Cymmetri users can request for access to applications not automatically assigned to them. The request process is managed from My Access > Request section.
The request for application access may not always require an approval. In certain cases the access request will be automatically applied as there is no approval workflow configured by Cymmetri Administrator.
Approving an application request
After a Cymmetri user has raised an approval request, the approver authority is selected by Cymmetri automatically. The approver is alerted by the system through an notification event in the user’s Notification tray. Cymmetri can also alert the approval user by way of email sent to the user.
The user can also view the notification request under Request section on the user’s Dashboard.
By clicking on the notification or the Application Requests short-link, the user is sent to the Inbox page. Here the user should click on Open menu under Requests section to view all the pending application access requests.
On clicking one of the mail list items, the user can view the details of the application access request.
The approval user can now approve the request or mark their rejection for the access request. The approval user may provide comments for the action taken under the Comment box text area.
After clicking the Accept button, the user approves the application access request. Cymmetri shows the success message to the approval user.
Viewing application request history
Cymmetri users can view the history of processed requests by way the Archive menu under Requests section. The user can click on any one of the mail list items, and view the details of task.
If an access request requires more than one level of approval, the same can be viewed one below the other with the following details -
Approver Name
Date and Time of approval
Approver comments (if any)
Requesting change in application access
Cymmetri users can request for change in access role for applications assigned to them. The request process is managed from My Access > Application > Setting context menu. An approval request is generated once the user submits the role change request.
The role change may not always require an approval. In certain cases the role change will be automatically applied as there is no approval workflow configured by Cymmetri Administrator.
Claims is the process of approving user access requests through any one approving authority in Cymmetri. In the event one approver is unavailable, it is likely other approver(s) can stake claim for the request and process the access request.
The approvers are configured by the Cymmetri Administrator. The approver level level can be defined as a single user, reporting manager or a group of users.
A claim request can be access from the Dashboard or the Notification tray.
A click on the notification or claims short-link will land the user on the Claims section of the Inbox.
The user can click on any one of the mail list items under Claims section, and view the details of task.
Once the user clicks on Claim button, the request moves from the Claims section to the My Requests section. The claim user sees the success message Task claimed successfully and the user is automatically guided to the Open menu.
The user can click on the list item and view the details for access request. The approver can leave comments if needed and Accept to approve or Reject the request.
Once approved successfully, the user will see the success notification.