Users once created in the Cymmetri Identity platform can be assigned to a group. Assigning users to a group helps ease the administrative efforts to apply the same policies and assigning applications to multiple users.
1. First the administrator needs to click on the group name and enter the configuration for the group.
2. Now click on +Add Users button to add users to the group
3. Now click on the assign button next to the user you wish to add to the group.
Administrator tasks pertaining to bulk users may be eased by creating groups of users.
Creating User Groups
Access the group configuration page by clicking the Identity Hub menu on the left-hand side, and then clicking on the groups in the pop-up menu.
Click on the “+Add New” button to start creating a new group
Group Name - Indicates the name of the group.
Group Type - For environments not using Active Directory, either Local or Remote Group may be chosen, in case Active Directory is being used for synchronization in the tenant, the appropriate type according to the group policy object must be chosen.
Parent Group - If a parent group is chosen, all the policies and rules applicable to the parent group will be assigned to this new group, in addition to the policies and rules specifically applied to this new group.
Group Description - Optionally, a description may be provided to the group.
Users may be imported into the Cymmetri Identity Portal using the bulk import users option.
Importing Users
Administrator may go to the Identity Hub left hand side menu, then select users. Then click on the Import Users button on the right hand corner.
Upload the csv file, you may use the sample data file and modify it to match your user details.
Match the Column names from the CSV file with the Cymmetri User Attributes using this user import dialog box.
Scroll down and click the save button.
The results of the import and the reasons for failures if any will be shown as well.
While users may be imported and sychronized from other Identity providers, sometimes users may need to be added manually by the administrator.
Steps to create users
First navigate to the User configuration page, by clicking on the Identity hub > User menu on the left-hand side panel.
Click on the blue “+Add New” button.
Enter the required information and scroll down to add further information
Click on the save button to move to the next configuration page, and copy the automatically generated password.
(Optional) Assign a group to the user.
(Option) Assign applications to the user.
The user has now been created with the assigned groups and assigned applications.
Delegation as a process in the Cymmetri Identity platform refers to the ability of any end-user to delegate their responsibilities to one or more end-users on the platform for whom they are marked as the reporting manager.
As such, delegation provides the ability to the delegatee to perform various actions, including Single Sign On, Application Requests, managing workflows by providing approvals, performing Cymmetri administrative actions (if the delegator has the required permissions on the platform), among other actions. However, the login flow for the delegatee stays the same. Configuring the delegation on your tenant
Access the Delegation administration panel, by clicking on the Configuration left-hand side menu item and then click on the Delegations pop-up menu item.
Add Users who can delegate their activities by clicking on the Assign New button.
Personalize the messages to be displayed when consent is invoked
The user consent will be displayed whenever the delegator (user) will go to their settings in their Workspace and assign a delegation to an end-user (assignee) for whom they are a manager. This consent will be recorded in the Cymmetri backend for audit logging purpose. Similarly, the assignee consent will be recorded when the end-user (delegate/assignee) logs into the account for their manager (delegator/user).