Setting up Cymmetri Service Provider for External Identity Provider Configuration
Login into the Cymmetri Administration Console for the below configuration
Note: The user interface may differ but the configuration options will remain the same.
Navigate to Service Provider.
Click on “Add New”.
Enter Cymmetri as Service Provider Name and the description, select Email as Name ID Policy dropdown and save the details. Your Service provider is created at this step, download the metadata(xml file) of the same.
Navigate to External IDP in Identity Provider.
Select Azure-IDP.
Configure Azure AD for Creating Identity provider configuration
Now Login to Azure portal and select Azure Active Directory.
Navigate to Enterprise applications and select New application.
Create your own application and enter the name of the application.
Set up Single Sign On after creating the application using SAML.
Click on Edit basic SAML configuration.
Add Identifier (Entity ID) and Assertion Consumer Service URL from the xml file downloaded in step 3 (For Azure, Sign on and ACS URL is the same) and save the configuration.
Download the Certificate (Base64) from SAML Certificates.
Continue configuration of Identity Provider In Cymmetri Administration Console
Copy Azure AD Identifier from Set up, navigate to azure-idp in Cymmetri and paste it in Entity ID. Similarly, copy login URL and paste it in Single Sign On Service URL in Cymmetri.
Replace the text "<host-name>" as the URL of the Cymmetri deployment (e.g., "" in the destination field - "https://<hostName>/spsamlsrvc/samlSP/SingleSignOnService" as "".
Open the Base64 certificate downloaded in step 12, copy it and then paste it in x509Certifcate field in Cymmetri.
Add Name and description and Select Identity Provider as Azure (External IDP) and mark the status as Active.
Assigning user to application in Azure Administration Console for allowing users to use Azure as External Identity provider
Navigate to Enterprise applications and select the application you created in step 8.
Configuring JIT provisioning in Cymmetri Administration Console
If JIT provisioning needs to be enabled for Azure AD as external Identity provider, we may set it up using the steps below.
Navigate to JIT in external identity provider and enable JIT Configuration.
The following fields are mandatory in Cymmetri - firstName, lastName, login, userType, displayName, and email.
For Azure JIT configuration, the following mapping needs to be done -
First Name -
Application Field -
Cymmetri Field - firstName
Last Name -
Application Field -
Cymmetri Field - lastName
Login (Username) -
Application Field -
Cymmetri Field - login
User Type -
Application Field - any string
Cymmetri Field - userType
Default Value - <will be one of Employee, Vendor, Consultant>
Display Name -
Application Field -
Cymmetri Field - displayName
Email Address -
Application Field -
Cymmetri Field - email
In Azure Administration Console
Select the created service provider in the Service provider Id field dropdown and save the changes.
Navigate to Auth Rules in Cymmetri and select Add New
Click on Add Condition.
If you wish to set this Azure External Identity provider for users having email address ending with "" then you may select condition as LoginPattern > Regular Expression and its value as (.)*($; and save the details.
Go to Users and groups and select Add user/group and add the user.
Login to cymmetri using Azure Email Address
The user will be redirected to the Azure portal to enter the Azure credentials.
Once the credentials have been entered properly in Azure portal, the user will be redirected back to Cymmetri and will be logged in successfully.