Google Apps (Workspace) Provisioning

Google Apps is a software-as-a-service platform (SAAS) that provides email, calendar, documents and other services. This connector uses the Google Apps provisioning APIs to create, add, delete and modify user accounts and email aliases.

Please note that only the Premium (paid) or Educational versions of Google Apps provide access to the provisioning APIs.

Connector will not work on the free Google Apps Domain

  1. First obtain the client_secret.json file from your Google Apps instance -

    1. Log in to your Google Apps Admin Console (at and verify that Security > Enable API access is checked.For more information on these APIs, navigate to the Google Developers interface, and search for these APIs.

    2. In the OAuth 2.0 application of choice (at, create credential of type Oauth Client ID / Other, then download the related client_secrets.json file.


  1. Create New Project

  2. Click on Enable API and services

  3. Search API name

  4. Click on Admin SDK

  5. Click on Enable

  6. Click on Credentials

  7. Click on Create Credentials

  8. Click on OAuth

  9. Select application type Desktop

  10. Download JSON

  11. Click on OAuth consent screen

  12. Click on edit app

  13. Enter details

  14. Click on credential

  15. Download OAuth client

Last updated