Adding Applications to be managed by Cymmetri

Accessing the Applications Menu

Applications menu in the administration page displays the various options pertaining to the Application Management processes.

Applications menu may be accessed by two ways -

Identity Hub

  1. Login as one of the following administrators - Organization Administrator, Domain Administrator, Application Administrator.

  2. Click on the Identity Hub icon on the left side bar.

  3. Click on the Applications text on the slide out bar.

Single Sign On Module

  1. Login as one of the following administrators - Organization Administrator, Domain Administrator, Application Administrator.

  2. Click on the Products menu icon on the left side bar.

  3. Click on the Single SignOn Module icon in the popup list.

4. Click on the Applications text on the slide out bar.

Understanding the applications supported by Cymmetri

Applications supported by the Cymmetri Identity platform fall majorly into three categories -

  1. Pre-configured Applications These are the applications that have already been configured by the Cymmetri Identity platform for provisioning on cloud or on-premises.

  2. Custom Applications for Provisioning These are the applications that you wish to manage through Cymmetri and support the generic connectors that the Cymmetri Identity platform provides.

  3. Custom Applications for Single SignOn only When you need to add an application for the purpose of performing only Single SignOn for them, Cymmetri provides the ability to add a custom application which may be configured for Single SignOn using the supported Single SignOn mechanisms.

Adding Application

Once you have chosen the application to be added from the above categories, you are ready to add a new application.

1. Click on the “Add New” button on the top-right corner in the Applications menu.

3. Now click on the tile shown in the list below to open the right slide out menu for renaming application as shown below.

4. Add your custom label (if you wish) in the text box and click on the “Add Application” button.


Application has been successfully added to your listing now. You may click on the configure now button to start configuring the application.

Last updated