Workflow Configuration

Workflows may be configured for a number of use cases in the Cymmetri Platform, primary among them being for assigning application to a user (provisioning), unassigning application to a user (deprovisioning), user creation,application update and role assignment, workflow setup, and running campaigns.

Configuring Workflows in Cymmetri Platform

Workflows can be categorized in two categories viz., Global Workflows and Custom Workflows.

In Cymmetri, workflows exhibit a versatile approval structure, accommodating upto 4 stages of approvals. Approvers can be designated as specific users, groups, or the reporting manager, offering a flexible and scalable solution.

This multi-stage approval capability ensures that critical tasks undergo a thorough and comprehensive review process.

Cymmetri allows the configuration of global provisioning workflows on a per-application basis.

Global Application Configuration

The administrator selects the application for which the workflow needs to be configured and the selects the workflow menu option

Then enable the Application Provisioning radio button and select the number of approver level(s)

The administrator may select upto 4 approvers. Once selected the administrator can designate an approver at each level

For each stage, the administrator may select one of the three options -

User: A particular user may approve workflow request at this stage.

Group: A user belonging to the selected Group may approve Workflow request at this stage.

Reporting Manager: The reporting manager of the user for which the approval is to be provided may approve the workflow request at this stage. Click on save to save the workflow.

Global User Creation Workflow Configuration

Cymmetri also allows to configure a Global User Creation Workflow. Here a workflow is triggered everytime a user is created from any source.

To access Global User Creation Workflow Configuration the administrator needs to go to Products->Lifecycle Management -> Workflow-> Configurations-> Global Configuration->User Creation

The administrator need to ensure that it is enabled and then click on the "Setup Workflow" button to configure the approvers

For User Creation Workflow as well the administrator can configure upto 4 stages of workflow and needs to click on the Add Stage button shown below to add a new stage.

To observe how to workflow runs in action, refer Inbox

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