Workflow Configuration

Workflows may be configured for a number of use cases in the Cymmetri Identity Platform, primary among them being for assigning application to a user (provisioning), unassigning application to a user (deprovisioning), and running reconciliation campaigns.

Configuring Workflows in Cymmetri Identity Platform

Workflows in Cymmetri Identity Platform may be configured for a predefined stages of approval, (these number stages are configurable)

For each stage, the administrator may select one of the following options -

User - A particular user may approve workflow request at this stage.

Group - A user belonging to the selected Group may approve Workflow request at this stage.

Reporting Manager - The reporting manager of the user for which the approval is to be provided may approve the workflow request at this stage.

User List - A list of preselected users, these users receive the claims request and one of these users may approve the workflow

Grade - A list of users that fall in the grade range selected

Click on save to save the workflow.

To observe how to workflow runs in action, refer Inbox

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