Version: cloud_3.0.12-beta product release
Date: 18 April 2024
**To ensure the highest quality standards, some features in this version are marked for further refinement and will not be included in the current release. Please refer to the next approved release for updates and improvements.**
New Features
Upload filename length validation: When file is upload in form of profile image, excel file import then validation is added for the file name length.Implement pages are as follows (20 characters)
Selfservice profile picture
Application image
Excel upload in User import, manager assignment, application assignment, group assignment,Role import
For the remote group, when a user or application is assigned to the group, they will not be assigned to Cymmetri until they have been successfully assigned to the target.
Workflow Config
After creating work flow now user redirect to workflow config page.
Now we can't active workflow if approver not configure in workflow config.
Application> Roles- Add toggle button to Active /Inactive status.
Add application/device name with space,Space should be trim
Users> Activity- Filter and search should be added in user activity
Workflow-"Save" button should remain disabled unless some condition is mentioned
Application SSO-attribute mapping-for duplicate entry,message should be show on same screen,refer other module for the duplicate entry error message
Lifecycle Mgmt>Hook Config - Search filter is not working
Amaya Connector- Show complete name on tooltip
User Setting- Change validation message for all three tasks( Active, Inactive, Delete)
Workflow Configuration- If approver is not present then workflow config should not get active
Partner Portal - Add Asterisk (*) for marked fields
Partner Portal- The validation message indicates that spaces are acceptable, but the field is not currently allowing them
Partner portal- Company name letters should be extended to 100 characters and space at the end should be trimmed
Amaya-Param getting duplicate
Trigger email to user when MFA max attempted in login
Master > Audit logs- Audit for fields created or updated in Master is not showing except for Grade
PAM Device- Not able to search PAM devices from my workspace
Application add with space,Need to handle space in backend also as temporay fix deployed from UI side
Rename- Dynamic json connector to Amaya
Amaya connector- Rename Dynamic Json connector to Amaya
Dynamic Json Connector- Text is overflowing tag border
Delegation- User should not be able to save delegation when start date is in past.
Amaya-policy map-felicity-If for policy map attribute not generated then default value should be there
Add application-For policy map default should be off
Update pagination offset - label and placeholder
Amaya-Response getting hide
Rename Amaya provision sub tab to User Configuration
Amaya-Policy map,tooltip overlap issue
Partner portal-under cymmetri customer total user count showing-1, actual available-12
Recon- Modes should be non editable
Import users via CSV/recon- Users should not be imported/ should show error when particular usertype, department ,designation fields are inactive
Load Test Data: Identity Hub> Users- Pagination is not working when multiple users(Load) are present
Workflow- Workflow popup box is showing unknown but in pending workflow is going into requestor manager
User-Filter with custom attribute not working on below data
AD Application new bundle- If user is inactive in AD, and same user is updated in Cymmetri then user in AD should also get updated
AD Recon push-User not getting push in target (New bundle)
Recon- Timing is not correct
Application delete-Deleted application present under Provision rule ,even after application deleted
Processing please wait message should be changed, when no data is entered and clicked on preview assertion
Deprovision- User is getting suspended when deprovision rule is executed via scheduler when no end date is applied or status is inactive
Reports> Filter- Showing error message to enter start and and date when resetting filter or applying any other filter.
Remote Group assign in bulk-Not moving all user in group under AD
To verify user deleted from AD OU and cymmetri admin trying to assign remote group
AD application - In Suspend user, application status is showing fail updation state
Remote group-bulk assignment showing ServiceUnavailableException
Group-Recon pull-update and full sync assign/update-taking too much time
Ad Application- Application assignment is going in failed state , but deleting application is also getting failed
Assign user to remote group is failed
AD application recon- When workflow is configured and recon is executed, then user is going in pending workflow
AD New Bundle- Thumbanail Photo is reflecting incomplete(In hex form) in AD
Workflow- Workflow popup box is showing unknown but in pending workflow is going into requestor manager
Recon-Name not present then also showing error for the duplicate
AD application - In Suspend user, application status is showing fail updation state
Custom attribute Import via API EXT- Password should be encrypted form when imported
SSO-Openid not working on QA, same working on dev
Multi node-Application assign with role, all user getting assigned but still import showing inprogress
API ext (API Client) User not getting created
Deprovision rule-user data not getting updated when change Grace Period 3 to 0 days
Unable to add Gmail account on Android after logging into Cymmetri
Tenant specific> Reset OTP config- Not able to save configuration
Partner portal- Display validation message specifying some fields are missing
Grade workflow- Preference config popup box is showing user name but pending is showing Unknown
Group recon pull-when space is in name then not going in ignore case
Workflow- Sequence for approver is mismatched in preference config popup box and in pending workflow
Workflow- Workflow in preference popup box is showing user name but in pending showing unknown when applied for user list or grade
Workflow- When approver is set as reporting manager and application workflow is initiated then preference box is showing approver name but pending is showing unknown
Schedule report- cron not getting updated, from hourly to change once in day then also report receiving hourly
creating the user through the JIT Message was rejected due to issue instant expiration
PAM device is assigned then on access showing message for the disconnected
AD Adaptor token- Token is showing Invalid
PAM Device- showing processing plaese wait validation message with 403 forbidden error
Application- Showing processing please wait validation message.
Loadtest-workflow page not loading
Expired session: Showing blank page when clicked on user setting logout tab
Suspend Config- User should be able to disable suspend config
Deprovision- Deprovision via scheduler is not working
AD-Recon pull with update-If user data removed from AD and taking pull,then this data not updating in the cymmetri user data
group push-not taking user in AD at the time of update
Daily scheduler running late
AD Application- Showing error when trying to update profile picture
MFA- Rename SMS Authenticator to OTP Verification
Global Auth-When the "Single Session > Block Session" setting is enabled, attempting to log in with the same user account should block the user even before verifying Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Known Bugs
Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name
Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.
In application setting if show to user flag off then also application show in recent application.
Unable to identify application properties data type where value is empty
Last updated
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