3.0.x Consolidated

(3.0.1 - 3.0.12)

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.1 Beta (3 November 2023)

1. Policy Map Datatype Converter: Added standard converter to convert the LDAP profile picture. Added standard converter to encrypt & decrypt data.

1. Cymmetri Verify- When exporting TOTP users password is accepting all digits/values as alphabets/number when it should have accepted alphanumeric values

1. Manager notification: Receiving user name required manager name 

2. Decision Engine Restart Scheduler: Added scheduler which will run every hour and process stuck decisions.

2. Cymmetri Verify | IOS | Face ID being asked infinitely

2. Multi-role assignment with form, then form adding repeatedly for each role, expected only one form should be there 

3. Audit JMS Queue added for the following services, authPolicy, mfa, notification, provisionEngine, registration, ruleEngine, selfservice, usermanagement, workflow, IG, sodengine, pam, analytics.

3. Cymmetri Verify app- Showing duplicate records when imported from other device

3. Fido - Push/fido not getting removed from mobile app 

4. UI/UX Changes: Show Cymmetri Verify app link on push/fido registration screens.-Rejected for the selfservice app.

4. Cymmetri Verify app- Search functionality is not working when users imported from different device

4. Password converter only accepted encrypted value. It should also accept user's editable value

5. Cymmetri Verify App update (v5.9.1)

5. Cymmetri Verify- Show password when clicked and file is exported, then again export file same password is visible with no masking(password is visible)

6. Cymmetri Verify App update (v5.9.2)

6. Cymmetri Verify | IOS | Unable to import backup file

7. Cymmetri Verify App update (v5.9.3): Display a message to indicate the action being performed.

7. Cymmetri Verify | IOS | Face ID not supported error

8. Restructured bulk user import for performance

8. Cymmetri Verify | Account details not updated on adding/removing push/fido

9. Notification Global Config: Notification categories in two types i] Mandatory and ii] Optional. Notification Global Config applicable for only optional types of notification.

9. Cymmetri Verify | IOS | Not internet error

10. Application getting repeated within different pages of application list

11. My workspace>Access Review>IG>Managed - When all the checkbox of Info field are disabled, then title checkbox should also be disabled

12. User - Application - Group name should be displayed

13. Audit-Audit with device filter not working

14. Vaulting Configuration- Test connection audit not present

15. Notification Template- User is not receiving mail for reset password

16. Login-Showing incorrect validation message and asking user to reset password again

17. Onboarding flow | Additional details not accepting other country mobile number

18. Recon history- provide search

19. Tenant Registration- Domain is not visible

20. Register tenant- Country dropdown is showing no option instead of countries list

21. Application - Tag - Already created tags present in application are not getting displayed in grid page.

22. Partner Portal- Showing invalid argument but not able to understand exactly which field is invalid: Admin Portal- Top search not working Admin Portal- Get Started link not working Admin Portal- Company name and company code should get trim

23. Fido Authentication- User is not able to authenticate via FIDO in first time, user need to kill app or refresh inorder to register device

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.2 (1 December 2023)

1. User management service restructured.

1. Forgot password-User is not receiving email notification

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. PAM - Sub domain added in Authentication Parameter

2. Workflow description spelling correction

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. UI/UX Improvements: Show username in user selection dropdown menus, Show Cymmetri Verify app link on MFA TOTP Registration and App MFA TOTP, Push, Fido, Show message when cookies are disabled on the browser Cymmetri Verify App update (v5.10): App drawer, header and lock screen UI improvements, Search box moved to header, Show search history, Haptic feedback on TOTP code press

3. Workflow on unassignment-On role unassignment, if any workflow already trigger then the message should be shown

4. Cymmetri Verify App Hotfix (v5.10.1)

4. Manage view- for converter used parameter not showing

5. Introduced spring expression language in SAML.

5. Application-date converter, recon pull getting stuck

6. In Multifactor otp config we can't disable both email otp and sms otp. At least one should be active.

6. Workspace | click search box creates Ul glitch

7. Group Provisioning

7. Login with Read only user- Configuration> Syslog configuration- Configuration should be gray out and should not be editable

8. Cymmetri Mobile App update (v1.5): Added QR code self-registration for TOTP, Push, and FIDO Added TOTP self-verification eliminating the need for finding and copying TOTP from the Cymmetri Verify app for the login. Added App lock with biometrics in the app

8. Configuration>User decommission config- Add a short description specifying functionality (Title)

9. MFA- Rename SMS Authenticator to OTP Verification

10. Configuration>Master>Zone>Gateway IP- Sorting is not working

11. Configuration>Master>Global>Value- Sorting is not working

12. Configuration>Master>Zone>Name- Sorting is not working

13. User Onboarding| Contact info details not accepting other country mobile number

14. Delegation- Successful Validation message should be shown after user is assigned

15. Time-based role assigned application- Time-based Application is not deleted after a period is completed when a role is assigned

16. Configuration>Master>Zone- Showing old zone data when creating new zone

17. My workspace>Access Review>IG>Managed - When all the checkbox of Info field are disabled, then title checkbox should also be disabled

18. Provision- When user is trying to create new role, role is not getting added neither validation message is shown

19. Cymmetri Verify - IOS - Push/FIDO Verification screen not shown when app opened through its notification

20. Cymmetri Verify - App protection not working

21. Self service app- User when trying to login on self service app having Fido authentication On, user is redirected to Play store but see in play store app is not clickable

22. Cymmetri Verify - Same day exported file - with file count attached to the name is reported as invalid file

23. Application provisioning MFA- When max TOTP/OTP/Secret Question invalid answers limit exceeds, it should show validation message and should be redirected to login page.

24. Application Role workflow- User is applying workflow for specific role but non-workflow as the signed role is also not getting assigned

25. Update user import sample file

26. usersrvc/api/user/dropdownList- in the above path, for creating workflow in bulk

27. when we create in bulk it is showing out of memory

28. Global Notification disable-by default it is off

29. Notification template- Global Notification for OTP is off still logs is showing mail sent(True)

30. Campaign with group-Campaign getting aborted

31. Multi-role assignment with form, then form adding repeatedly for each role, expected only one form should be there

32. Deprovision rule- User is not getting suspended when end date is applied at the time of user creation

33. Users Import- User name, Login should get trim if space is included while importing user

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.3 Beta (5 December 2023)

  1. WebAuthn passwordless authentication (It only works for chrome, safari, edge on desktop and chrome and edge on mobile) - EXPERIMENTAL

  1. Workflow for time-based role application- Audit log should show action not supported me ssage if lifetime application is changed to time base from approver end.

  1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. Onbehalf Configuration: Default onbehalf configuration, Rule engine support to create custom configuration. Display the OnBehalf menu in self-service according to the logged-in user's matching custom/default configuration. Below menu operations supported: User Application View: Assign Application, Assign Role, Unassign Application, and Unassign Role. User Groups View: Assign Group and Unassign Group. Group Provisioning Enhancement Policy map datatype converter Enhancement. Converter support was added in the custom attribute. Configuration support added for custom attribute converters, Encryption added for Custom attribute password converter value of user, Cymmetri Verify v5.10.3 - (link) - Bug fixes Cymmetri Mobile v1.5.1 (link) - (Rejected): Bug fixes and Added self-verification support for forgot passwords, App MFA, server MFA, and passwordless. Global module search feature (Ctrl+K). Groups list pagination in user details, Connector: Oracle HCM, PAM: AD separated from the Cymmetri and Group - View Attribute - Showing list of CN of members of remote group

2. Recon Link for both exist- When updating the group after linking showing a custom attribute error

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 members getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. Multi node-Application assign with role, all user getting assigned but still import showing in progress

3. Application getting assigned from UI. If it is failed.

4. AD group count mismatch-In AD total 1278 group but in pull it is showing 1260

4. Group-Custom Attributes not getting updated in group while assigning user to the group manually

5. Application Group- Pagination should be applied for the group provision page

6. AD application push- Group should not be updated when update checkbox in policy map is unchecked

7. AD Recon Push- When all policy attribute are false, group creation should show error.

8. AD Application Pull- When all policy attribute are set to false, group creation should show error

9. AD-Policymap_memberOf need to be default false for old tenants

10. Browser specific-On Mozilla browser OTP verification is not proper

11. Login with Domain Admin- Manager assignments should not be greyed out

12. Import completed file show end time

13. Policymap-group(pull/push)-if attributes are inactive then this should not be reflected under dropdown

14. PAM-Sign on Policy- Policy should not get activated unless MFA factor is selected.

15. Audit-Configuration-OTP-For check uncheck Send OTP on,audit should be present

16. AD application- Should show error message when description is user principal

17. Self service-Read auto MFA considering camel cases

18. Cymmetri Verify app- Cymmetri mobile app is not able to fetch TOTP from verify app if the re are more than 20 TOTP users

19. Users Managed View- Managed view should get blank for those applications not supporting this operation

20. Configuration>Master>Browser Tab text is not correct

21. Workflow- Close button in Users details pop-up box should be enlarged (currently not visible properly)

22. Branding-Should show proper validation message on UI

23. Version-provisionsrvc showing two times

24. PAM> SignOn Policy- Discard button is not working

25. Identity Hub> Users: Others field details are not visible on user display page on editing profile

26. Cymmetri app(selfservice)-Auto read MFA-when Cymmetri verify app having App protection is enabled then also it is reading,bypassing app protection

27. Cymmetri Verify - Google Authenticator Import TOTP timer not running

28. Cymmetri Verify - MFA Push Registration fails

29. Cymmetri Verify - App crashing on Samsung fold phone

30. SAML-Expression-restrict to show id

31. SAML-Expression-if user don't have data and fetching data then no message showing on UI

32. SAML Key:- Not able to understand why validation message is showing invalid arguments

33. Delegation- Session getting expired even after refreshing token continuously

34. External idp login showing error

35. SAML-User is not able to download metadata, showing 500 internal server error

36. API SSO validateToken API only validate the auth_key parameter

37. Password converter only accepted encrypted value. it should also accept user's editable va lue

38. Identity Hub>Group: Grey out Group name field for remote groups as user cannot edit name

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.4 Beta (3 January 2024)

1. Connector: Darwinbox and SuccessFactor

1. Reset password OTP- Max limit validation message should be displayed if 3 invalid otp are provided

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. Cymmetri Verify now supports webauthn QR code scanning from mobile in case mobile camera doesn't support QR scanning

2. For the newly created tenant configuration showing error

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. Persistent Form Enhancement: Added Form submission support on Role assignment, Added Form submission support on Role unassignment and Added configuration to enable/disable form submission on role assignment and unassignment.

3. For newly created tenant notification template not loading

3. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

4. Policy Map Data Type Converters: Added support to input pattern of date of target system and Added support to convert date & date time of target system using mentioned pattern.

4. Time-based/Normal Application- When deprovisioning time-based application or successf ully assigned application is going into failed state showing null pointer exception

5. PAM: Download AD Certificate

5. Selfservice-Behalf-User-Group-Group is already assigned then also it is again available for t he assignment

6. Passwordless Login Flow Enhancement.- Now tere is MFA registartion is optional in login

6. Selfservice-Team-User-Group-Group is already assigned then also it is again available for t he assignment

7. Lock user on mfa failed Attempt: Added configuration for mfaattempt, coooldown period.

7. Group-Custom Attributes not getting updated in group while assigning user to the group manually

8. Provision Rule- User need to refresh page when adding/updating application role condition

9. Recon pull with AD-For default data related to date it is not working

10. ctrl+K search -add MFA rule not present

11. Partner portal-Add customer with domain-for domain field validation should be as per the normal registration

12. Cymmetri verify App(Selfservice(-Need to handle auto register flow in the application MFA

13. App Auth does not work when verify app in closed state

14. ios 17.2 Auto Auth not working

15. ctrl+k search-Read only user redirecting on add form

16. SAML-Expression-Provide sample on i icon

17. PAM- Rename server to device

18. Login with PAM Read Access Admin-PAM>Devices>Setting: User is able to edit complete p age details and showing processing validation message when clicked on save button

19. User not getting deleted from AD when assign in AD

20. Recon-Pull-Group, for one user having 900 groups, then under recon history showing error,same vice versa one group multiple users

21. Take pull from AD- User having remote group present in AD

22. When password is expired and the user is trying to change password then it is not adhering password policy, accepting same old password

23. SAML-Regular expression-if user entity not exist and doing SSO then in audit data should be present

24. Identity Hub- Group: Validation message should be shown when clicked on assign group button

25. Identity Hub >User: Custom attribute dropdown is not completely visible

26. Custom Attribute Import- When the password attribute is imported via csv file then password should be visible in encrypted form in user details

27. Custom attribute Import via API EXT- Password should be encrypted form when imported

28. Application MFA- Showing routes issue when accessing application

29. Not able to login on partner portal via admin login

30. Route issue-On click configuration tab

31. On Behalf- Route issue

32. Import> Download sample file- showing route error

33. Browser cookies disable-end user-facing difficulty

34. Calendar: Resolution specific> Calendar Ul is getting glitched at 75% 80% 90% zoom

35. Identity Hub-Users: User should not be able to assign application again if already is assigned.

36. Teams-Add user showing unknown error

37. Inbox showing unknown error

38. Teams-User list not showing

39. Application Recon- When user is trying to Pull users from database and if pin code is blank, then default set value should have been taken

40. Authentication> Auth rule- Showing Rulesrvc not found validation message

41. Policy map update-on save showing error

42. Hide this /disable button when script is enabled

43. MFA- Rename SMS Authenticator to OTP Verification

44. Application getting assigned from UI. If it is failed.


3.0.5 Beta (12 January 2024)

No new features were introduced. This version has implemented all the features and bug fixes from the 3.0.4

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.6 Beta (30 January 2024)

1. Provision Rule Revamp: Restructure Provision rule condition configuration: Provide support for single condition and group condition in condition config, Provide Operator support like Equal and Not Equal and Provide AND, OR Operator support for multiple condition in provision rule condition config, Group provision Support: Add group in provision rule. (only local group), Old provision rule migration: If the old rule is without condition mark it as inactive and if the old rule is without application also mark as inactive.

1. Provision Rule- Rule is not getting applied if previous provision rule is deleted.

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. UI/UX Changes: Application profile and group mapping in SAML SSO and SAML Service Provider - Restructuring and provide defaults

2. Group- Search functionality is not working

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. Deprovision Rule support for user delete (if no application assign)

3. Not getting form values in the target application when Form updated, role assigned and role unassign

3. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

4. SSO -SAML: SSO-group policy Mapping -- SSO SAML, SSO-added nameFormat in profileMapping and groupMapping -- SSO SAML. SSO-added digest algorithm method. SSO-added list support for profile mapping.

4. Self service app- Increase spacing

5. Mfa Attempt Enhancement(Old behavior when admin locks the user then the user should not able to unlock from selfservice now he/she can able to unlock yourself): User can unlock if admin locked the user invalid mfa will permanently lock the user, user can unlock account after mfa cooldown period is completed. Admin can unlock the user which will unlock the mfa as will.

5. Notification bell icon- When notification is empty, mark read and delete option should not be clickable

6. UserType Master Support in User Creation and Updation.

6. Cymmetri self service app- When clicked on groups or application from on behalf tab, it is redirecting to dashboard page

7. User Onboarding| Contact info details not accepting other country mobile number

8. Cymmetri Verify app- For long tenant name timer clock is not visible

9. Group-Attribute detail-provide search

10. Android Heads Up Notification now will display notification upfront which earlier required from user to turn on from the Notifications Settings (Float Notification)

11. Notification template-correct spell for delegation

12. Deleted user login-on forgot password this user should be validated and restrict,currently showing error-Please try again

13. SAML-On clicking validate regular expression should show data message which is available in backend

14. Ctrl+K: Search filter is showing records for all the letters mentioned

15. If the admin lock the user, then the user should be able self unlock by forgot password flow

16. Audit- Audit log should shows role specific logs for role assignments/ unassignments

17. Self Service: Access review- Validation message is not complete it is getting cut

18. Registration- Showing processing please wait validation message after registering user and without any setup if user is clicking logout

19. Self-service app-On behalf: When clicking on application/groups from the dropdown mobile keyboard is getting displayed and due to that applications/ groups visibility is less

20. Not getting form values in the target application when form updated, role assigned and role unassign

VersionFixesKnown Bug

3.0.7 Beta (09 February 2024)

1. PAM SUDO SU feature for linux server.(For SUDO SU shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+E)

1. Default delegation consents do not convey responsibility of delegator or delegatee

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. SAML Assertion Preview

2. Self service app- On behalf: When clicked on application/groups from dropdown mobile keyboard is getting displayed and due to that applications/ groups visibility is less

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. Encrypt saml response

3. Provision rule-On click save showing error,without condition

3. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

4. ETL: Custom Create user in AD API with unboundid library, Custom user assign to group in AD API with unboundid library

4. Configurations-general-config-Rename message for User Decommission Config

5. Configurable UI Info and Actions: Hide "Reset / Unlock User", Hide "Login Help Page Link", Configure "Login Help Page Link", Hide "IP Address" and Hide "Self-Service App Links"

5. Label update for suspend config

6. Login Help page external link updated

6. Provision Rule; Groups/Application- If user is selecting any local group in first field then second field is greyed out not showing other local groups

7. Cymmetri Verify: Firebase version upgradation and A troubleshoot page provided if FCM token is missing

7. Notification content should not be hardcoded

8. SSO UI migration

8. Remove trailing slash from selfservice endpoint

9. Made Gateway IPs and Proxy IPs non mandatory on the Masters -Zone page. Only Name and CIDR fields will be mandatory.

9. Error handling for product Webhook custom error

10. Application SSO-attribute mapping-without selecting Cymmetri Attribute save button should not be enable, as this is mandatory field

Version New FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.8 Beta (23 February 2024)

1. UI/UX Changes: Skeleton loaders - Improved loading indicators, Filter enhancement for Users and Application pages - Now filter persists the data once go in the detail page and comes back also an indicator to show how many filters or any filters are applied and Branding changes - Now the preview of branding will be on scroll for better UX , "should help icon be shown " field would highlight the help icon

1. API Integration for passwordless flow reset password

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. Mfa attempt Admin User lock:Mfa attempt config added in global auth policy, Self-unlock flag to unlock the user during admin lock the user and Email for invalid mfa attempt

2. Workflow- For the user list workflow approver, the user is showing in the list dropdown but in the pending workflow it is showing empty.

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. Service Provider (SP) Initiated SAML Single Logout

3. Application- Application name should be unique

3. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

4. Secret Questions verification changed: Earlier it used to show all questions and mandate the user to fill in all the configured questions. Now it will only ask the user to show a dropdown multiple times configured by the admin for minimum correct answers.

4. Applications Group mapping- Change the validation message as only one group can be added in group mapping/ disable the add attribute button after 1st group mapping is done

5. SBI VAPT: Encrypt 'login' in some public API same as password encrypted. The following APIs are changed: validateIdentity API: on login page, validateIdentity API change get type to post and in request body login encrypted value pass and token API: on login page token api login encrypted value pass.

5. AD application Recon- When importing users via recon having provision rule assigned for User creation with condition, then showing error in recon history and again after executing run now command then the user is getting imported but going in Ignore case.

6. AD Application recon- When workflow is applied for User creation having condition applied(Department=Accounts), and user is imported via recon, recon history is showing user assigned but when searched In identity hub-Users, showing user not found.

7. Notification Template- Showing processing please wait message when trying to click toggle button

8. Provision Rule- User should not be able to save provision rule without adding applications/groups

9. SBI VAPT || Testing and changes for SBI as well as product

10. Application SSO- Label change to update

11. My workspace>Inbox- User details popup box should not be displayed when user is deleted from admin account after initiating workflow

12. Deprovision- Remove Exclusion Applications field

13. Delegation account- Change label from Delegate Session Active to Delegate Session Information

14. Users> Applications- The total number of applications assigned should be shown in user account

15. User: Menu Action- There should be a sync event toggle button while marking user inactive in user menu as available while marking inactive from user setting tab

16. Policy attribute- When removing the policy attribute, that field is not getting removed also it is visible in policy map application field dropdown

17. Identity Hub> Users- Users should be searched on basis of Usertype as well

19. User Creation Workflow- When clicking on the cancel button on the workflow preference popup box, it should remain on the user creation page. For now it is cancelling the whole process

20. Application> SSO>Configuration>Edit configuration- UI for logos and name is not proper

21. Application SSO> Configuration- The marked button should be disabled until service provider is selected

22. Branding- Change the label as both the fields sound similar

23. Branding- Preview is not available after changing setting

24. Branding- Add a short note/sample file for default help link when show help button is Yes

25. User Filter- Reset button should reset all the filters applied and load complete data

26. Self Service App>Managed access- Fields on right side should be slightly moved to left as in mobile it is not visible properly

27. Application Audit logs- Applications are getting updated when password reset is performed for users.

28. Selfservice app-MAX MFA attempt message is not readable

29. Self Service mobile app: Application- Application Tag is not visible when clicked on move to tag option at first time and later on option is continuously visible

30. My workspace> Inbox- Starred requests are not getting saved in starred folder

31. Exclude application > delegation- When any application is added in tag and excluded by delegator, then should not be visible in delegatee account

32. My workspace: Application- One application should be assigned/moved to one tag only

33. Teams Configuration- Showing route issue when saving new teams configuration

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.9 Beta (03 November 2023)

1. Provide show-to-user flag support in the Application Setting. Application Setting: Show to user: if the flag is off, then hide the application from my access ➝ assigned application. Delegation: If the flag is off, hide the application from Delegation ➝ my access ➝ assigned application. user can request: If the flag is off, then hide the application from my access ➝ request for assigned application, If the flag is off, then hide the application from On-behalf ➝ users ➝ request for assigned application and Delegation: If the flag is off, then hide the application from Delegation ➝ On-behalf ➝ users ➝ request for assign application.

1. Policy Attribute- Add pagination

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. Framework Upgrade: Java based services are updated for spring framework, spring boot, also updated utility libraries. Please note it may have impact on several functionalities.

2. Teams Configuration- Showing route issue when saving new teams configuration

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. MFA attempt Admin User lock: MFA attempt config added in global auth policy and Self unlock flag to unlock the user during admin lock the user

3. Passwordless- Passwordless page is showing blank when clicked on clicked on Passwordless button on Login page

3. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

4. Token Rolling period : Token start period should start before current server time.

4. Notification template- Increase spacing between Kathreftis Team and Disclaimer and remove space above

4. In application setting if show to user flag off then also application show in recent application.

5. Passwordless reset password : When password is required to be changed then user is forced to change password during login using passwordless.

5. Login failed> User locked Template- Change notification template

6. Bearer Token subject is encrypted now in header.

6. My access> Applications- If an application is already present in a certain tag, when attempting to move it to another tag within the "All Applications" section, it should not be visible in the tag it is already associated with.

7. cookies samesite attribute is being set to strict to all the cookies.

7. Login-Tab button should be applicable for enter password field when passwordless in enabled

8. Active Directory new bundle (Using unboundid.ldap.sdk library) - Phase 1: Server Connector bundle name: simpleADServer Connector bundle version: 1.0Server Connector name: com.cymmetri.connector.simple.ad.SimpleADConnector and Added one field inside the user configuration of the active directory "Disable User With Date Time".

8. AD Application- When assigning remote group to AD user, showing error

9. Passwordless- Passwordless page is showing blank when clicked on clicked on Passwordless button on Login page

10. Self-service app: On-behalf tab is loading late

11. Master> Zone- When editing zone then status is always changing to inactive

12. Authentication Rule- When a user is trying to reset the password having LDAP authentication active, then password is changing into target system first and reflecting older password in target system

13. PAM- Dormancy disabled config- By default config should be disabled

14. Audit-"action":"DORMANCY_DISABLE_COMPLETED" ,Data showing null,need to show data

15. PAM dormancy disabled showing failed

16. Deprovision- All three fields should be in one line

17. Policy Attribute- Add search filter in policy attribute

18. Delegation- Add cancel button after editing consent

19. My Access> Applications- When moving an application from one tag to another, the validation message should be proper for the end user to understand

20. Campaigns> Access Review > Campaign Manager- Sorting is not working

21. My Workspace> Inbox- Need to refresh page every time to see changes in started request

22. Global Auth Policy- Update message to "Auto Unlock MFA period should be less than Account Auto Unlock period."

23. Insights> Reports -Showing error message when disabling scheduler toggle

24. Application MFA update -on click Next button -getting in loop

25. PAM vault user-Confirm button should not be enable till any value entered

26. Validation message change-Change 1 days to 1 Day

27. Teams Config- Configuration should not be saved without adding condition

28. Teams - User is not able to lock/unlock account even after configuration in teams is enabled

29. Need to show proper error message when Maximum MFA attempts reached

30. Reset Password OTP -there is only OTP option is available then also showing error message for question

31. MFA- User not able to login via Consent based MFA showing error

32. Login- Showing error when trying to log in using secret question as MFA

33. Teams Configuration- Showing route issue when saving new teams configuration

34. MFA count gets reset, when admin mark lock to unlock

35. MFA- User is able to unlock account event after unlock user account time is not completed

36. Login with password less-password expiry should be consider and need to follow steps to reset

37. When admin lock user the take conformation, unlock yourself or lock lifetime

38. End date over user login-on forgot password this user should be validated and restrict,currently redirecting on MFA

39. Inactive user login-on forgot password this user should be validated and restrict,currently redirecting on MFA

40. Need to update audit when user attempts max MFA

41. MFA- User not able to login when user is trying to login using normal password flow

42. My workspace> Active Campaign- Latest selection should remain as it is.

43. Pagination persistence for users (when a user clicks on lets say 3rd page and go into the user details and when come back the pagination gets reset )

44. Application provisioning workflow- Assign application to user and then cancel it, still showing user assigned

45. My Access>Application> Tag- Search filter should be applied for tag applications as well

46. Add New Application Search, when no data is there the UI breaks and a No Data Found card should also be shown on screen

47. Login Page- User is not redirecting to mentioned login help page( Mentioned in Branding)

48. Cymmetri Mobile App- Changes required in secret question layout on login page

49. User Creation Workflow- When clicked on the cancel button on the workflow preference popup box, it should remain on the user creation page. For now it is cancelling the whole process

50. Branding- Show validation message if user miss to fill any fields and clicked on save button

51. Lifecycle mgmt>Workflow Configuration- Save button should be enabled when removing approver.

52. Suspend user-For device deleted message should be shown as Device Deleted

53. User Onboarding- When provision rule is trigged while onboarding user and any application is assigned to user then assigned tag should be shown in that application as showing in Groups

54. Configuration> Master- Accepting emoji values in Global Master

55. MFA- Secret question- Answer field should get blank after question is selected.

56. Delegation- After delegation time is completed, delegation configuration should be updated

57. Authentication Rule- When user is trying to reset password having LDAP authentication active, then password is changing into target system first and reflecting older password in target system

58. Global Auth- User should be able to set Account unlock and MFA unlock to minimum 1min

59. User-Account lock-Account is self lock then also on UI showing message user cannot unlock

60. User Setting- Showing user not found error message

61. Lifecycle Management || Applications redirects user to Identity Hub

62. Campaign- UI of Calendar field is not proper

63. Policy attribute- When removing policy attribute, that field is not getting removed also it is visible in policy map application field dropdown

64. Audit Log- When duplicating a tab and subsequently refreshing it, then audit log is displaying a random requestor ID

65. Global Auth Policy- "Allow Users to have" is displayed twice

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.10 Beta (21 March 2024)

1. Addition of Grade as an attribute for users: Workflows updated to support grade-based approvers: Added grade to Pending Workflow Page and Workflow List Page, Added grade for User profile: Added grade in create user, update user, user info page, grade in user info page for Suspended Users and Archived Users and Displaying grade in User Details [Assignee Details], Added grade in Attribute Setting, policy map [cymmetri policy mapping drop down], bulk import and Added grade in Teams Config Page: Added grade in create user, update user and user info page, grade in user info page for Suspended Users and Archived Users, Added grade in OnBehalf config for self user, Displaying the grade for self user profile, Added the grade for the pull/push reconciliation process Added the grade to get the value of the middle name in a user profile, to create the user through apiext, Added grade in JIT to create the user -Not working and Added grade value on the page that displays the delegatee.

1. Application Update Workflow- In inbox user name and Login ID fields are showing empty

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. Analytics Metabase in the report: Configuration of Metabase and Metabase Report

2. Rename application name as shown below should be Google Workspace and not Google Workplace.

2. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)

3. __MANAGER__ support in policy map for manager assignment in Active Directory (Target application)

3. Fix typo in application provisioning labels

3. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

4. Addition of Middle Name as an attribute for users: Added middle name in create user, update user and user info page, in user info page for Suspended Users and Archived Users, for User Profile, to Pending Workflow Page, to Workflow List Page, Displaying middle name in User Details [Assignee Details], Added middle name in Attribute Setting, Added middle name for the policy map [cymmetri policy mapping drop down], for the bulk import, in create user, update user and user info page, in user info page for Suspended Users and Archived Users, in OnBehalf config for self user, Displaying the middle name for the self-user profile, Added the middle name for the pull/push reconciliation process, to get the value of the middle name in a user profile, to create the user through apiext, in JIT to create the user -Not working and Added middle name value on the page that displays the delegatee.

4. Preference Workflow config popup box - Add Auto option in dropdown list when workflow approver is set to user list

4. In application setting if show to user flag off then also application show in recent application.

5. Role Required in Application Assignment: In the application setting, Role Required flag added and Application Assignment flag is enabled in the below mentioned pages:Application assignment page, User page, in application assignment and Self-Service: When user request for application, Teams page, in application assignment and Onbehalf page, in application assignment.

5. My access application- Calendar UI is not proper for 90% resolution

5. Creating the user through the JIT: Message was rejected due to issue instant expiration

6. Password policy-Show last sync time if already sync

7. MFA attempt configuration-take confirmation on save

8. JIT-Detail showing route error

9. JIT-Custom field-Only type=USER should be present in dropdown, currently showing group also

10. correct notification template-login failed

11. Unlock User- API is getting called twice and login should be shown in encrypted form

VersionNew FeaturesFixesKnown Bug

3.0.11 Beta (05 April 2024)

1. New Feature - Amaya (Schema Maker): A new feature called "Amaya" is released for generating policy map, policy attribute, and also for generating schema for various functions - Create User, Update User, Sync User, Search User etc. Using a UI-based designer, an administrator may configure JSON REST-API based applications without needing to write scripts for the above mentioned functions.

1. Inbox- Request count should be shown in claim> open request as visible in Requests>Open request

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. Role Required in Assign Application(Backend Validation):Bulk Application Assignment, Admin Application Assignment, Admin User Page, Selfservice, User Application Request, Selfservice -> Teams, Application Assignment, Selfservice -> Onbehalf and Application Assignment

2. Application deprovision Workflow- When removing role from user application, workflow is getting triggered but before saving popup box is getting disappeared

2. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

3. Active Directory new bundle (Using unboundid.ldap.sdk library) <Group operation supports>: Added a field inside Active Directory User Configuration Page: "Add or Remove group using Simple AD".

3. Password Policy- Accepting -1 in password history versions and also displaying in policy rule when changing password

3. In application setting if show to user flag off then also application show in recent application.

4. Added a default filter for the start date as the current day in all report detail views.

4. Password Policy- Password history versions should have default 0 value and also add note specifying description of 0 value.

5. The view button in the application role is only visible when edit access is not provided to the user, but read access is granted, such as for read-only users.

5. Import user with grade,need to handle user import with inactive grade

6. PAM - Device Termination when device unassigned

6. Attribute setting- Not able to disable grade attribute

7. Audit log- Showing application id instead of application name when moving application to tag from self service app

8. AD Authentication- Audit log should be shown when changing password for AD authenticated user

9. My workspace >Teams>Users- The message "User account locked" appears whenever changing pages.

10. Forms- Field name is not displaying double spaces when inserted in JSON field

11. Workflow Config- Add Remove button for stage 1 user

12. Tenant registration flow- show password not working

13. Workflow- Pending/ Inbox- Menu action should not be visible for every application or when field is empty.

14. Identity Hub>User Filters- When applying a filter for inactive users or any other filter and then activating the same user, the filter selection is removed, but the count is still displayed.

15. Upload CSV- Not able to drag and drop csv files in import users, manager assignments, groups

16. Global module search-when product is disabled and the user trying to search then showing an error

17. Application update Workflow- Workflow is not getting trigged when application role is assigned to user

18. Partner portal-delete customer not working

19. Applications-For old google applications name getting replaced with Google Workspace

20. Password Policy>Blacklisted Password- When setting blacklisted password for user showing error

21. Password less login showing error

22. Email Notification- User is not receiving email notification

23. Version Specific > Delegation recent apps- When the delegatee is accessing the account then excluded applications are still showing in recently used apps

24. Admin MFA -on click save showing error

25. TEAMS-Menu action click showing unknown error

26. Admin Dashboard, Risk Dashboard and Insight reports are not loading

27. Taking time to load data in complete application

28. User-Activity -taking time to load data

29. AD- Recon- Push- Users are going into pending state for new AD bundle

30. Managed View- IDM value is not getting displayed

31. Notification template-need to add middlename attribute under system variable

32. Users | Sort by filter should be beside Sort Order

33. Role mandatory-In import assign application there is no validation, without role also able to assign

34. Identity Hub>User>Setting- Admin should not be able to lock himself from setting

35. Suspend user-for AD update , remove application

36. AD application - In Suspend user, application status is showing fail updation state

37. Group-Recon pull-update and full sync assign/update-taking too much time

38. AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connid Restriction)

39. Remote group-bulk assignment showing error, "failureReason" : "javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: [LDAP: error code 51 - 0000200E: SvcErr: DSID-031A1202, problem 5001 (BUSY), data 0 ]; remaining name 'CN=allgroup,OU=allgroup,dc=cymmetri,dc=in'"

40. When Add group pull/push then server getting stuck due to memory increase.

41. Remote Group assign in bulk-Not moving all user in group under AD

42. AD Application new bundle- If user is inactive in AD, and same user is updated in Cymmetri then user in AD should also get updated

43. AD Recon push-User not getting push in target (New bundle)

44. Adaptive MFA-Blacklisted ip configuration- Not able to enter range

45. Phone number - Phone number and country code validation issue

46. Partner portal- Company name letters should be extended to 100 characters and space at the end should be trimmed

47. Partner Portal- On the admin approval dashboard page, column name width should be identical, and if the name is extending then the extended name should be shown in hover.

VersionFixesKnown Bug

3.0.12 Beta (18 April 2024)

1. Upload filename length validation: When a file is uploaded in the form of a profile image or Excel file import then validation is added for the file name length. Implement pages are as follows (20 characters): Selfservice profile picture, Application image, and Excel upload in User import, manager assignment, application assignment, group assignment,Role import

1. Application> Roles- Add toggle button to Active /Inactive status.

1. Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name

2. For the remote group, when a user or application is assigned to the group, they will not be assigned to Cymmetri until they have been successfully assigned to the target.

2. Add application/device name with space,Space should be trim

2. Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.

3. Workflow Config: After creating work flow now user redirect to workflow config page and Now we can't active workflow if approver not configure in workflow config.

3. Users> Activity- Filter and search should be added in user activity

3. In application setting if show to user flag off then also application show in recent application.

4. Workflow-"Save" button should remain disabled unless some condition is mentioned

4. Unable to identify application properties data type where value is empty

5. Application SSO-attribute mapping-for duplicate entry, a message should be shown on the same screen, refer other modules for the duplicate entry error message

6. Lifecycle Mgmt>Hook Config - Search filter is not working

7. Amaya Connector- Show complete name on tooltip

8. User Setting- Change validation message for all three tasks( Active, Inactive, Delete)

9. Workflow Configuration- If the approver is not present then workflow config should not get active

10. Partner Portal - Add Asterisk (*) for marked fields

11. Partner Portal- The validation message indicates that spaces are acceptable, but the field is not currently allowing them

12. Partner portal- Company name letters should be extended to 100 characters and space at the end should be trimmed

13. Amaya-Param getting duplicate

14. Trigger email to user when MFA max attempted in login

15. Master > Audit logs- Audit for fields created or updated in Master is not showing except for Grade

16. PAM Device- Not able to search PAM devices from my workspace

17. Application add with space,Need to handle space in backend also as temporary fix deployed from UI side

18. Rename- Dynamic json connector to Amaya

19. Amaya connector- Rename Dynamic Json connector to Amaya

20. Dynamic Json Connector- Text is overflowing tag border

21. Delegation- User should not be able to save delegation when start date is in past.

22. Amaya-policy map-felicity-If for policy map attribute not generated then default value should be there

23. Add application-For policy map default should be off

24. Update pagination offset - label and placeholder

25. Amaya-Response getting hide

26. Rename Amaya provision sub tab to User Configuration

27. Amaya-Policy map,tooltip overlap issue

28. Partner portal-under cymmetri customer total user count showing-1, actual available-12

29. Recon- Modes should be non editable

30. Import users via CSV/recon- Users should not be imported/ should show error when particular usertype, department ,designation fields are inactive

31. Load Test Data: Identity Hub> Users- Pagination is not working when multiple users(Load) are present

32. Workflow- Workflow popup box is showing unknown but in pending workflow is going into requestor manager

33. User-Filter with custom attribute not working on below data

34. AD Application new bundle- If user is inactive in AD, and same user is updated in Cymmetri then user in AD should also get updated

35. AD Recon push-User not getting push in target (New bundle)

36. Recon- Timing is not correct

37. Application delete-Deleted application present under Provision rule, even after application deleted

38. Processing please wait message should be changed, when no data is entered and clicked on preview assertion

39. Deprovision- User is getting suspended when the deprovision rule is executed via scheduler when no end date is applied or status is inactive

40. Reports> Filter- Showing error message to enter start and date when resetting filter or applying any other filter.

41. Remote Group assign in bulk-Not moving all users in the group under AD

42. To verify user deleted from AD OU and cymmetri admin trying to assign remote group

43. AD application - In Suspend user, application status is showing fail updation state

44. Remote group-bulk assignment showing ServiceUnavailableException

45. Group-Recon pull-update and full sync assign/update-taking too much time

46. Ad Application- Application assignment is going in failed state , but deleting application is also getting failed

47. Assign user to remote group is failed

48. AD application recon- When workflow is configured and recon is executed, then user is going in pending workflow

49. AD New Bundle- Thumbnail Photo is reflecting incomplete(In hex form) in AD

50. Workflow- Workflow popup box is showing unknown but in pending workflow is going into requestor manager

51. Recon-Name not present then also showing error for the duplicate

52. AD application - In Suspend user, the application status is showing a fail updation state 

53. Custom attribute Import via API EXT- Password should be encrypted form when imported 

54. SSO-Openid not working on QA, same working on dev 

55. Multi node-Application assigned with the role, all users getting assigned but still import showing in progress 

56. API ext (API Client) User not getting created 

57. Deprovision rule-user data not getting updated when changing Grace Period from 3 to 0 days 

58. Unable to add Gmail account on Android after logging into Cymmetri 

59. Tenant specific> Reset OTP config- Not able to save configuration 

60. Partner portal- Display validation message specifying some fields are missing 

61. Grade workflow- Preference config popup box is showing the user name but pending is showing Unknown 

62. Group recon pull-when space is in name then not going in ignore case 

63. Workflow- Sequence for approver is mismatched in the preference config popup box and pending workflow 

64. Workflow- Workflow in the preference popup box is showing the user name but in pending showing unknown when applied for user list or grade 

65. Workflow- When approver is set as reporting manager and application workflow is initiated then preference box is showing approver name but pending is showing unknown 

66. Schedule report- cron not getting updated, from hourly to change once in day then also report receiving hourly 

67. creating the user through the JIT Message was rejected due to the issue instant expiration 

68. PAM device is assigned then on access showing a message for the disconnected 

69. AD Adaptor token- Token is showing Invalid 

70. PAM Device- showing processing plaese wait validation message with 403 forbidden error 

71. Application- Showing processing please wait validation message. 

72. Loadtest-workflow page not loading 

73. Expired session: Showing blank page when clicked on user setting logout tab 

74. Suspend Config- User should be able to disable suspend config 

75. Deprovision- Deprovision via scheduler is not working 

76. AD-Recon pull with update-If user data removed from AD and taking pull,then this data not updating in the cymmetri user data 

77. group push-not taking user in AD at the time of update 

78. Daily scheduler running late 

79. AD Application- Showing error when trying to update profile picture 

80. MFA- Rename SMS Authenticator to OTP Verification 

81. Global Auth- When the "Single Session > Block Session" setting is enabled, attempting to log in with the same user account should block the user even before verifying Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). 

Last updated
