API Extension

Cymmetri framework to extend the out of box use cases and support custom requirements from the platform

Reference API calls

The following are the APIs calls.

Important Note:

RESTful API – Assigned application search user

Purpose: This API is used to create application hook

URL: http://<tenant_domain>/api/user/listByApplication

Method: POST

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"content": [


"id": "619ce9a69139ca14885a4717",

"displayName": "John Snow",

"firstName": "John",

"lastName": "Snow",

"email": null,

"mobile": null,

"designation": "Developer",

"status": "ACTIVE",

"profilePic": null,

"login": "john.snow",

"initialLoginPending": true,

"startDate": null,

"endDate": null,

"provStatus": {

"617253cc2fb4b2125b237b75": "SUCCESS_UPDATE"




"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "id",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"last": true,

"totalPages": 1,

"totalElements": 1,

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "id",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"first": true,

"number": 0,

"numberOfElements": 1,

"size": 10,

"empty": false


"timestamp": "02-Mar-2022 01:58:57",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"data": null,

"success": false,


"message": null,

"timestamp": "02-Mar-2022 01:59:39"


RESTful API – Assigned application search group

Purpose: This API is used to get an application hook for the provided application id and type.

URL: http://<tenant_domain>/api/group/groupListByApplication

Method: POST

applicationId: Application id

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"offset": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"totalElements": 1,

"totalPages": 1,

"elements": [


"id": "621cdbb7776c95564c0313ab",

"name": "Gold",

"type": "LocalGroup",

"description": "Gold group",

"ouId": "",

"ouName": null,

"parentGroupIds": null,

"directParentGroupId": null,

"userCount": 0,

"appCount": 1



"pageNumber": 0,

"sort": {

"orders": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "name"



"sorted": true



"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 05:29:23",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"data": null,

"success": false,


"message": null,

"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 05:29:49"


RESTful API – Application reconciliation pull filter search

Purpose: This API is used to list reconciliation pull for provided application id and keyword.

URL: https://<tenant_domain>/provsrvc/reconciliation/pull/search

Method: POST

applicationId: applicationId

keyword : keyword

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"content": [


"id": "621cca3f9423002d41cbbed4",

"name": "AD-ADMIN-USERS",

"type": "USER",

"status": "ACTIVE",

"applicationId": "614b5d3489ad96554e89e2ab",

"targetSystemSearchQueryFilter": null,

"idmRepositoryField": "login",

"sourceAttributeName": "cn",

"reconType": "PULL",


"reconConditions": {





"lastRunDateTime": null,

"createdDateTime": "2022-02-28T13:12:31.07",

"updatedDateTime": "2022-03-02T12:45:31.069",

"version": 2





"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "updatedDateTime",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"last": true,

"totalPages": 1,

"totalElements": 3,

"first": true,

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "updatedDateTime",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"numberOfElements": 3,

"size": 10,

"number": 0,

"empty": false


"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 08:41:03",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": false,

"data": null,

"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 09:06:43",

"message": null,



Response 2#


"success": false,

"data": null,

"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 09:06:43",

"message": null,



RESTful API – Application reconciliation push filter search

Purpose: This API is used to list reconciliation push for provided application id and keyword.

URL: http://<tenant_domain>/reconciliation/push/search

Method: POST

applicationId: Application Id.

keyword : keyword

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"content": [


"id": "62207b1655a2d10f525dc2bf",

"name": "AD-Admin",

"type": "USER",

"status": "ACTIVE",

"applicationId": "614b5d3489ad96554e89e2ab",

"idmSearchQueryFilter": {

"location": null,

"reportingManager": null,

"department": null,

"designation": null,

"group": null,

"email": null,

"mobile": null,

"status": [],

"userType": null,

"locked": false


"idmRepositoryField": "login",

"sourceAttributeName": "cn",

"reconType": "PUSH",


"reconConditions": {





"lastRunDateTime": null,

"createdDateTime": "2022-03-03T08:23:50.963",

"updatedDateTime": "2022-03-03T08:23:50.963",

"version": 0



"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "updatedDateTime",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"last": true,

"totalPages": 1,

"totalElements": 3,

"first": true,

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "updatedDateTime",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"numberOfElements": 3,

"size": 10,

"number": 0,

"empty": false


"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 08:40:09",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": false,

"data": null,

"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 09:06:43",

"message": null,



Response 2#


"success": false,

"data": null,

"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 09:06:43",

"message": null,



RESTful API – Application role filter search

Purpose: This API is used to list application roles with provided application id and keyword.

URL: http://<tenant_domain>/applicationRole/findAppRolesByApplicationId

Method: POST

application id: applicationId

keyword: keyword

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"content": [


"id": "621f2996a36e574d3e7ab4a7",

"roleId": "ROLE_ID_101",

"roleName": "ADMIN",

"roleDescreption": "This role is for admin users.",

"applicationId": "614b5d3489ad96554e89e2ab",

"cosoType": "Admin",

"active": false,

"mappedBusinessRoles": [],

"createdDateTime": "2022-03-02T08:23:50.608",

"updatedDateTime": "2022-03-02T13:48:54.189",

"version": 3





"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "id",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"last": true,

"totalPages": 1,

"totalElements": 3,

"first": true,

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "id",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"numberOfElements": 3,

"size": 10,

"number": 0,

"empty": false


"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 09:20:03",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": false,

"data": null,

"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 09:06:43",

"message": null,



Response 2#


"success": false,

"data": null,

"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 09:06:43",

"message": null,



RESTful API – Application Policy Map filter search

Purpose: This API is used to search PolicymapTenant.

URL: http://<tenant_domain>/policyMapTenant/findAll

Method: POST

tenantApplicationId: Tenant Application Id

objectType: Mapping Object Type

internal: Internal Attribute

external: External Application Attribute

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"content": [


"id": "61dd1da8db654e41881b5281",

"internal": "lastName",

"external": "sn",

"mandatory": false,

"script": null,

"createdDateTime": "2022-01-11T06:03:20.202",

"updatedDateTime": "2022-01-11T06:03:20.202",

"version": 0,

"default_val": "",

"tenant_applicationId": "61dd1da8db654e41881b5273",

"object_type": "USER",

"isCustom": false,

"scriptEnable": false



"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "internal",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"last": true,

"totalPages": 1,

"totalElements": 1,

"first": true,

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "internal",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"numberOfElements": 1,

"size": 10,

"number": 0,

"empty": false


"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 07:13:09",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – App description in selfservice application list API

Purpose: This API is used to get paginated lists with filters.

URL: https://<tenant_domain>/selfservice/api/selfservice/applications

Method: POST

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"offset": 0,

"pageSize": 16,

"totalElements": 5,

"totalPages": 1,

"elements": [


"endDate": null,

"deprovNotification": false,

"enabled": true,

"tagLine": "Directory service developed by Microsoft",

"id": "617253cc2fb4b2125b237b75",

"name": "Active Directory",

"appUrl": "",




"pageNumber": 0,

"sort": {

"orders": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "NAME"



"sorted": true



"timestamp": "03-Mar-2022 05:41:09",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – New Joiner List API

Purpose: This API is used to get list of selfservice dashboard new Joiner list of logged in users.

URL: http://<tenant_url>/usersrvc/api/user/getSubOrdinates

Method: POST

Example Request: Need to pass filter as createdFrom and createdTo date time difference for seven day.

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"content": [


"login": "nilesh",

"displayName": "Nilesh Dhepe",

"userId": "61e947c37dce7c5e40134f1f",

"profilePic": null,

"qualitativeRisk": null,

"sodViolations": null



"login": "workflow.one",

"displayName": "Test Workflow",

"userId": "61ee658de3a8361263cab0d1",

"profilePic": null,

"qualitativeRisk": null,

"sodViolations": null



"login": "workflow.two",

"displayName": "Test Workflow",

"userId": "61f7b3b50d84c22f79e1debd",

"profilePic": null,

"qualitativeRisk": null,

"sodViolations": null



"login": "mrunal",

"displayName": "Mrunal Chaple",

"userId": "61f8cda757a8e27934066a91",

"profilePic": null,

"qualitativeRisk": null,

"sodViolations": null



"login": "manoj.b",

"displayName": "Manoj Barapatre",

"userId": "61f8d81883126a511188e2ae",

"profilePic": null,

"qualitativeRisk": null,

"sodViolations": null



"login": "man.ba",

"displayName": "Manoj Bara",

"userId": "61f9160ed9800d4dbbc1baed",

"profilePic": null,

"qualitativeRisk": null,

"sodViolations": null



"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "id",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"last": true,

"totalElements": 6,

"totalPages": 1,

"first": true,

"number": 0,

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "id",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"numberOfElements": 6,

"size": 10,

"empty": false


"timestamp": "04-Mar-2022 10:39:22",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": true,

"data": null,

"timestamp": "04-Mar-2022 10:39:22",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – On board API - Get App incomplete config

Purpose: This API is used to get count of onboard application config incomplete.

URL: http://<tenant_url>/provsrvc/applicationTenant/getApplicationIncompleteConfig

Method: GET

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success{

"success": true,

"data": 3,

"timestamp": "07-Mar-2022 08:11:48",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": true,

"data": 0,

"timestamp": "04-Mar-2022 10:39:22",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – On board API - Get appCount, adminCount, UserCount

Purpose: This API is used to get count of application, admin and user.

URL: http://<tenant_url>/usersrvc/api/user/getOnboardCount

Method: GET

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"appCount": 9,

"adminCount": 1,

"userCount": 25


"timestamp": "07-Mar-2022 08:11:27",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": true,

"data": {

"appCount": 0,

"adminCount": 0,

"userCount": 0


"timestamp": "07-Mar-2022 08:11:27",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – System KPIs API

Purpose: This API is used to get the count of application,role,rule,workflow,password policy,active user,total user and unlogged user.


Method: GET

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"appCount": 80,

"roleCount": 5,

"activeUserCount": 128,

"totalUserCount": 131,

"unloggedUserCount": 106,

"passwordPolicyCount": 2,

"workflowCount": 3,

"ruleCount": 6


"timestamp": "11-Mar-2022 12:42:30",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": true,

"data": {

"appCount": 0,

"roleCount": 0,

"activeUserCount": 0,

"totalUserCount": 0,

"unloggedUserCount": 0,

"passwordPolicyCount": 0,

"workflowCount": 0,

"ruleCount": 0


"timestamp": "11-Mar-2022 12:42:30",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – Request, Claims and My Request Count

Purpose: This API is used to get count of requests, claims and my requests.

URL: https://<tenant_url>/workflowsrvc/api/workflowtaskassignment/user/request/claims/count

Method: GET

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"requestCount": 12,

"clamisCount": 6,

"requestorCount": 0


"timestamp": "10-Mar-2022 07:07:48",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


On failure:

Response 1#


"success": true,

"data": {

"requestCount": 0,

"clamisCount": 0,

"requestorCount": 0


"timestamp": "04-Mar-2022 10:39:22",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – Applications assigned to user API search

Purpose: This API is used to search application assigned to user.

URL: https://<tenant_url>/usersrvc/api/user/listApplications

Method: POST

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"offset": 0,

"pageSize": 12,

"totalElements": 1,

"totalPages": 1,

"elements": [


"appId": "6226051994c38e414989eccd",

"appName": "ServiceNow",

"tagLine": "Workflow Automation Platform",

"status": "",

"appType": "GROUP",

"groupId": "61dea46ef515150ebe517b0d",

"endDate": null,

"provisionEnable": true,

"assignRoles": null



"pageNumber": 0,

"sort": null


"timestamp": "11-Mar-2022 01:06:33",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – List of assigned & unassigned application

Purpose: This API is used to get assigned and unassigned application.

URL: https://<tenant_url>/provsrvc/applicationTenant/applicationListByPage

Method: POST

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"content": [


"id": "61dbfdf6b30690468b0d4a79",

"appName": "Google Workplace",

"icon": null,

"tagLine": "Integrated Collaboration & Productivity Apps from Google",

"status": "ACTIVE",

"provisionEnable": false,

"ssoEnable": true,

"assigned": true



"id": "61dd1da8db654e41881b5273",

"appName": "Active Directory",

"icon": null,

"tagLine": "Directory service developed by Microsoft",

"status": "ACTIVE",

"provisionEnable": true,

"ssoEnable": false,

"assigned": true



"id": "6225f81edd7111640e094f8d",

"appName": "Google Workplace5",

"icon": null,

"tagLine": "Integrated Collaboration & Productivity Apps from Google",

"status": "ACTIVE",

"provisionEnable": true,

"ssoEnable": false,

"assigned": true



"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "displayName",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"totalPages": 2,

"totalElements": 12,

"last": false,

"first": true,

"sort": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "displayName",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": false,

"descending": true



"numberOfElements": 10,

"size": 10,

"number": 0,

"empty": false


"timestamp": "11-Mar-2022 02:10:38",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – Application Access expiring new API

Purpose: This API is used to get list of application of user with there expiry days

URL: https://<tenant_url>/selfservice/api/selfservice/applicationswithexpiry

Method: POST

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"success": true,

"data": {

"offset": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"totalElements": 3,

"totalPages": 1,

"elements": [


"id": "62220c747dab08061e00ba7b",

"name": "Active Directory",


"period": 20,

"tagLine": "Directory service developed by Microsoft"



"id": "62260e904f6c552b8b489c20",

"name": "Google Workplace",


"period": 5,

"tagLine": "Integrated Collaboration & Productivity Apps from Google"



"id": "62260e994f6c552b8b489c28",

"name": "PowerShell",


"period": 4,

"tagLine": "Command-line Shell from Microsoft"



"pageNumber": 0,

"sort": {

"orders": [


"direction": "DESC",

"property": "plannedStart"



"sorted": true



"timestamp": "11-Mar-2022 01:42:30",

"message": null,

"errorCode": null


RESTful API – Password Policy - maximum (optional)- minimum (required) password length

Purpose: This API is used to validate password against password policy

URL: https://<tenant_url>/authsrvc/passwordPolicy/pub/validate

Method: POST

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:

{"success":true,"data":null,"timestamp":"11-Mar-2022 01:40:38","message":null,"errorCode":null}

On failure:

Response 1#

{"success":false,"data":null,"timestamp":"11-Mar-2022 01:39:40","message":null,"errorCode":"AUTHSRVC.PASSWORD_COMPOSITION_RULE_VIOLATION"}

RESTful API – New Application count API (7 days)

Purpose: This API is used to get count of application

URL: http://<tenant_url>/api/selfservice/newApplicationsCount

Method: GET

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:

{"success": true,"data": 1,"timestamp": "11-Mar-2022 02:13:39","message": null,"errorCode": null}

RESTful API – Campaigns/access review search by campaign name

Purpose: This API is used to get list of campaign

URL: https://<tenant_url>/igsrvc/api/ig/campaign/execution/history/list-summary/reviewer

Method: POST

Example Request:

Sample Response:

On success:


"data": {

"content": [


"executionId": "61a865c69c60c83eb2d2cf0e",

"name": "Campaign For Bug_w8z89q",

"description": "",

"campaignId": "61a8657c9c60c83eb2d2cf0c",

"revision": 1,

"iteration": 1,

"status": "COMPLETED",

"remarks": "",

"startMode": "MANUAL",

"startDate": "2021-12-02",

"endMode": "MANUAL",

"endDate": "2021-12-02",

"plannedEnd": "2021-12-05",

"totalAssignments": 41,

"pendingAssignments": 41,

"approvedAssignments": 0,

"rejectedAssignments": 0



"executionId": "6225c00ab21ac3024d5a1d91",

"name": "Campaign For Bug_w8z89q",

"description": "",

"campaignId": "61a8657c9c60c83eb2d2cf0c",

"revision": 1,

"iteration": 2,

"status": "COMPLETED",

"remarks": "",

"startMode": "MANUAL",

"startDate": "2022-03-07",

"endMode": "AUTO",

"endDate": "2022-03-10",

"plannedEnd": "2022-03-10",

"totalAssignments": 40,

"pendingAssignments": 40,

"approvedAssignments": 0,

"rejectedAssignments": 0



"pageable": {

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "startDate",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"pageNumber": 0,

"pageSize": 10,

"offset": 0,

"paged": true,

"unpaged": false


"totalPages": 1,

"totalElements": 2,

"last": true,

"first": true,

"sort": [


"direction": "ASC",

"property": "startDate",

"ignoreCase": false,

"nullHandling": "NATIVE",

"ascending": true,

"descending": false



"numberOfElements": 2,

"size": 10,

"number": 0,

"empty": false


"errorCode": null,

"message": null,

"success": true,

"timestamp": "11-Mar-2022 02:38:11"


API Response Codes

Last updated
