New Feature
UI/UX - Workflow Inbox User detail will now have applications detail as well assigned to the user.
UI/UX - Workflow Inbox will have a start date and end date filter
User delete workflow support a. Workflow configuration support b. Rule configuration support
Amaya || General Config-based role data type
PAM write admin not able to assign users, user list not populating
Policy map- Empty value are getting saved in policy mapping
Workflow Rule update - View - Created by and updated by fields are empty
Superset - OpenId issue - While doing sso for superset application, it should is getting redirect superset url with error "The request to sign in was denied"
Threshold configuration- Replace could be to can be
Policy Map- When searching in the search box by any attribute, the search should get reset after changing tabs
Onboarding - Login credentials timeout error
Application- When searching user in application, user can be searched by first name, last name, login id but not by First name+lastname
PAM write admin not able to assign users,user list not populating
TOTP-Lookahead window change , on click save button show warning message,
User delete Workflow - Pending Workflow - Application details tab is not present
Known Bugs
Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name
In the application setting if show to user flag off then also application show in recent application.
Unable to identify application properties data type where value is empty
Amaya || Create user operation fails due to invalid password
Reports- Records are getting displayed after 11min approximately
Deprovision Rule executed via Scheduler - Workflow is not getting initiated for the set of users on the basis of status/end date
Workflow List - Getting error " Contact system administrator" on technova tenant
Last updated
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