Version: cloud_3.0.1-beta product release
Date: 30 January 2024
New Features
Provision Rule Revamp:
Restructure Provision rule condition configuration
Provide support single condition and group condition in condition config.
Provide Operator support like Equal and Not Equal.
Provide AND , OR Operator support for multiple condition in provision rule condition config
Group provision Support
Add group in provision rule. (only local group)
Old provision rule migration
If old rule without condition mark as inactive.
if old rule without application also mark as inactive.
UI/UX Changes:
Application profile and group mapping in SAML SSO
SAML Service Provider - Restructuring and provide defaults
Deprovision Rule support for user delete (if no application assign)
SSO-group policy Mapping -- SSO SAML.
SSO-added nameFormat in profileMapping and groupMapping -- SSO SAML.
SSO-added digest algorithm method.
SSO-added list support for profile mapping.
Mfa Attempt Enhancement(Old behaviour when admin locks the user then user should not able to unlock from selfservice now he/she can able to unlock yourself)
user can unlock if admin locked the user
invalid mfa will permanently lock the user, user can unlock account after mfa cooldown period is completed.
admin can unlock the user which will unlock the mfa as will
UserType Master Support in User Creation and Updation.
Provision Rule- Rule is not getting applied if previous provision rule is deleted.
Group- Search functionality is not working
Not getting form values in the target application when Form updated, role assigned and role unassign
Self service app- Increase spacing
Notification bell icon- When notification is empty, mark read and delete option should not be clickable
Cymmetri self service app- When clicked on groups or application from on behalf tab, it is redirecting to dashboard page
User Onboarding| Contact info details not accepting other country mobile number
Cymmetri Verify app- For long tenant name timer clock is not visible
Group-Attribute detail-provide search
Android Heads Up Notification now will display notification upfront which earlier required from user to turn on from the Notifications Settings (Float Notification)
Notification template-correct spell for delegation
Deleted user login-on forgot password this user should be validated and restrict,currently showing error-Please try again
SAML-On clicking validate regular expression should show data message which is available in backend
Ctrl+K: Search filter is showing records for all the letters mentioned
If the admin lock the user, then the user should be able self unlock by forgot password flow
Audit- Audit log should shows role specific logs for role assignments/ unassignments
Self Service: Access review- Validation message is not complete it is getting cut
Registration- Showing processing please wait validation message after registering user and without any setup if user is clicking logout
Self service app-On behalf: When clicked on application/groups from dropdown mobile keyboard is getting displayed and due to that applications/ groups visibility is less
Not getting form values in the target application when form updated, role assigned and role unassign
Known Bugs
Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name
AD Group pull || Only under 1000 member getting pulled (Connector Server Restriction)
Workflow initiated for form but form is getting updated without workflow approval.
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