Delegating Work to Delegatee

For any user to be able to delegate their work to other users, the user should be added to the delegation users list; Check here how to Add Users to the delegation list so that they can delegate their activities.

Delegate Work to Delegatee

Following are the steps to delegate work to an delegatee:

The logged in user needs to go to their Settings Page by clicking on the user's username on top right

Once on the Settings Page user needs click on My Delegations menu

Note: My Delegations menu will appear only if the logged in user is added to the delegation users list.Here is how to Add Users to the delegation list.

Toggle Status: Enable the Toggle Status to Active

Start Date: The date from which the user is delegate the work

End Date: The date upto which the access is delegated

Delegated To: The user (delegatee) to whom the work is delegated. This dropdown populates the list of all users to whom the task can be assigned

Excluded Applications: List of applications whose access is not provided to the delegatee

Once all the details are filled the user is expected to accept the consent to be able to configure the delegation. The consent looks something similar to as show below:

Once confirmed the user needs to click on the I agree check box and save the delegation

Once save the delegatee can see and accept the delegation in their My Delegation Page under Settings.

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