New Feature
UI/UX || Warning added || Application Config Import Modal || Auto 'Create Only' for User Principal policy mappings
A new feature has been developed for the "Recommendation Engine", enabling seamless integration and management of application and role recommendations. The recommendation engine supports the generation of personalized applications and role suggestions for each user. The system supports the automatic synchronization of data from various sources, ensuring that recommendations are always based on user behavior. All recommendation engine configurations and data synchronization are stored and can be easily retrieved and updated as needed.
UI/UX || Amaya || Add support for JSON body validation through validate button
Audit log comparison for oldObject and newObject when they are in detailed format
UI/UX Inconsistent button placement in some modules fixed to a default below position
UI/UX Onboarding walkthrough of New users
ICICI: a. The inbox title in the workflow setup event has been updated to display the workflow name. b. Workflow (Pending workflow list) requester and requestedFor column added for display
Identity Analytics (Reporting Engine)
End-to-end Request/Response Payload Encryption for all authservice's API. (/authsrvc/*)
User Threshold (Phase 2): i. Update Email Title and Template ii. Create a new 'Move to Archive' button to manually archive a user. iii. Make the notifications field mandatory in the User Threshold Configuration. iv. Added the Org Admin as the default notifier in the user threshold configuration. (Not supported for old tenant). v. Update UI Error Message Format vi. The User Threshold staging mode name has been changed. vii. Failure to Move Staging User to Archive Manually and Audit Log Display for fail. viii. The changes made to the staging dashboard view. Include a comparison between the previous and updated versions of the UI. ix. Show the display name in the Threshold Delete operation on the Staging Dashboard. x. Notification Field in User Threshold Config for deleting users.
Amaya- When server connector timeout is changed and test configuration is clicked, it shows a "connector not found in cloud" error in the Audit log
Import User - If loginid already exists, then the remark shows "Usrsrvc.existing Login". Change this text to "Existing Login ID"
Import/Export- Showing host server details when the file is imported for script connector
My Access - Tags - Roles is not getting displayed in the Application
Application - Clicking on the role tile, SSO is happening and also while clicking on close icon, SSO is happening
Applications- When any attribute is updated (made empty in the target application) and recon for both exist operation is executed, the corresponding attribute in Cymmetri should also be cleared
Reports- SSO based application- Reports are blank/ not showing data when SSO based application are accessed (To correct the data need to perform data-logger sync for respective tenant. Refer configuration steps here)
Deprovision- User is getting deprovisioned even after user status is changed to Active from Inactive
User threshold mail notification- Title changes required
Audit log-Recon - When recon is executed with status as Inactive, audit log is showing "Recon initiated successfully" but not any log for execution failed/aborted
Audit Filter- Add cross button in Target Type and Action field.
Threshold Config- Validation message for all three operations should be similar
Threshold Create/Update- Spelling for exceeded is not correct
Notification Template - Toggle and status should display in status column as per other modules.
Create User- While creating user on newly created tenant, assign group page showing text "No group assigned , assign group"
User setting- External idp rule is active-An admin user should not be able to reset user password when the external IDP rule matches the user condition
Create user - While creating user on newly created tenant, assign application page showing text "No data found, add application"
Audit Filter- Add cross button in Target Type and Action field.
Portal-For module update showing error, already exist
My Access - Tags - Roles is not getting displayed in Application
Threshold Config- Validation message for all three operations should be similar
Threshold Create/Update- Spelling for exceeded is not correct
Notification Template - Toggle and status should display in status column as per other modules.
Create User- While creating user on newly created tenant, assign group page showing text "No group assigned , assign group"
Create user - While creating user on newly created tenant, assign application page showing text "No data found, add application"
Group Unassignment: The message appearing on group unassignment is incorrect
Push and FIDO scan zoom functionality not available at the time of Device MFA
Push and FIDO scan zoom functionality not available at the time of application MFA
Campaign Reassign -inactive users are also listed for reassignment on click
Login page- AD auth- Provide proper UI message when AD adapter details are incorrect
Amaya- When server connector timeout is changed and test configuration is clicked, it is showing "connector not found in cloud" error in Audit log
Import User - If loginid already exist , then remark shows "Usrsrvc.existing Login" . Change this text to "Existing Login Id"
User threshold- Pending Staging- When changing page select all box should be unchecked.
Threshold Pending staging- Whenever the page changes or the number of records per page is modified, the selection should be reset
Import/Export- Showing host server details when file is imported for script connector
Threshold pending staging- When the retry button is clicked multiple times, the validation message does not appear after the third click on UI
Application assignment- Change user search suggestion watermark
Onboarding registration- When resolution is at 80%, PAM report admin option is not visible in dropdown
Reports- SSO based application- Reports are blank/ not showing data when SSO based application are accessed
After release v 3.1.2, for old updated tenant campaign module is disabled
Onboarding registration- When an application is selected and then reverted to the previous page, selecting the application again causes the application count to double
External JIT- JIT configuration should be disabled until new external idp configuration details are filled
External IDP- JIT- API is showing "undefined" error on clicking JIT button and on enabling JIT configuration
External IDP- JIT- Reverse the title, it is confusing for user
MFA - Secret Question - Question selection is getting non-selectable after entering incorrect answers and then retrying for correct answer
My workspace>Inbox- Count is not showing when records are in claim
Reports( Employee's with upcoming contract end date) - By default date filter should be applied of 30 days
Provision Rule - Cursor of the condition is getting overlapped with footer of the page.
Onboarding - Login credentials timeout error
My Access - Superset Application logo and label should be changed
Applications- When any attribute is updated (made empty in the target application) and recon for both exist operation is executed, the corresponding attribute in Cymmetri should also be cleared
Deprovision- User is getting deprovisioned even after user status is changed to Active from Inactive
Audit log-Recon - When recon is executed with status as Inactive, audit log is showing "Recon initiated successfully" but not any log for execution failed/aborted
User threshold mail notification- Title changes required
Application- Managed view- When manager is removed from Cymmetri, user is still getting displayed in managed view
Create Threshold Config> Csv import- Showing empty records in pending staging list when threshold limit is exceed and user are imported via csv file
Reports- SSO based application- Reports are blank/ not showing data when SSO based application are accessed
My workspace>Inbox- Count is not showing when records are in claim
login with admin-Campaign detail show role also, currently role showing only for campaign manager
Cymmetri Selfservice App - Once we click on the web link from scanner , it should show confirmation popup on screen (Suggestion)
Selfservice Mobile App - When app is in Quit state and open the app via scanner(camera), it is not redirecting to login page of the website
Push Authenticator - Need to change the error message
User creation- While creating new users then going to next level that is on groups page and then on application page ,then user should be redirected back to the group's page when back button is clicked instead of existing user creation page
Showing error when saving workflow with name( User creation, Application provisioning, Application deprovisioning)
deployment_analytics_1 Service CPU utilisation is 100%
Campaign-email report showing error
Some time tenant registration not working,showing WriteConflict error in the service
Application provisioning and deprovisioning workflow initiated request is not getting displayed in activity logs.
Workflow Rules - Application Deprovisioning event - If condition is set as RegEx for custom attribute is not working
User update-Showing audit failed-Write conflict
Report - Updated record should display on top.
Auth rule showing unknown error
Workflow List - View any workflow detail - While clicking on info icon it is showing Grade List Detail
AD-Recon-If Policy attribute marked inactive then also it is getting pull from AD.
Login via Application admin- When click on application showing processing please wait error message.
Applications- Application are not getting assigned to user and also audit log is not visible for the same
PAM write admin not able to assign users,user list not populating
Known Bugs
Manager notification: receiving user name required manager name
In the application setting if to user flags off then the also application shows in the recent application.
Unable to identify application properties data type where value is empty
Amaya || Create user operation fails due to an invalid password
Reports- Records are displayed after 11min approximately
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