Masters in Cymmetri

Masters are key-value pairs that can be defined for the entire tenant. The key(name) in this context refers to the label to be shown on the Cymmetri User Interface, and the value is the backend identifier used to reference this field in various processes, rules, and policies defined in the Cymmetri platform.

Cymmetri platform allows for configuring several masters in the system, the major classification among which are Global masters (which allow for creating master key-value pairs that may be used for various situations, such as creating a new department, designation, and other custom attributes for users in the system) and Zone masters (which are network configurations that may be used to whitelist or blacklist user access onto the platform as well as act as a source for adaptive Multi-factor authentication).

Global Masters

These are system-wide key-value pairs primarily used to setup key-value pairs referring to various masters as given below:

Types of Global Masters:

Adding a new Master

Follow the steps below to Add a New Master:

Click on the "+Add New" button to add a new master of any category mentioned above.

Enter the Name and Value for the new Master, then select the type of master you wish to create and enable the active toggle button to make the master active. Once all values are entered click on the Save button

A new Global Master is successfully created in the selected category

RBAC Master

The RBAC Master allows the maintenance of role entitlements for the organization.

Zone Masters

Zone masters indicate the network zones that may be used for blacklisting or whitelisting access to the Cymmetri Identity platform deployment. It may also be used for detecting users from certain zones and assigning relevant multi-factor authentication policies.

Zone Name: Used to refer to a zone in other configurations on the Cymmetri platform.

Inactive/Active: Toggle button to check whether the zone is active (configurable as a condition for other rules on the Cymmetri platform.)

Gateway IP: Refers to the Gateway IP address for the network zone.

Proxy IPs: Proxy Server IP addresses that may be used to be directed to this network or the IP addresses outside of the zone that would indicate a connection from this zone.

CIDR: Refers to the CIDR notation of the subnet of the network that this zone refers to. CIDR Notation.

For adding a new Zone Master or for editing an existing one, Fill in all the mandatory details on the screen as shown above, click on the enable toggle button and finally click the “Save” button.