New Features
Redis Cache
Movers Process (Phase 4): QAinprogress
a. Mover deprovision scheduler Si
b. Mover workflow
c. Mover Dashboard enhancement
d. Mover notification
3. Recommendation Engine: Highlighted the SOD Rule (name) being violated during the recommendation to user.
a. Expose new API for implementation team to get user base on email, login and displayName (Email sent to implementation team <Cymmetri || customGetUser API to get user>)
Application Assignments User assign Failure/Pending assignment user list Integration
360 Recon support in SimpleLDAP
Default Workflow Rule: Default workflow rule is a workflow rule configure without condition which trigger if no any rule matches for specific event.
a. The Default Workflow Rule can be created for the following workflow events:
User Creation
Application Provisioning
Application Deprovisioning
Workflow Setup
Application Role
Decommission Device
Application Update
Access Review Reject
User Delete
Form Logic Workflow
Exception Application
Access Review - If approver is deleted, when campaign manager clicks on Applications, getting error "IGSRVC Unknown"
Import user via csv- When a default value is specified in any column, users should be able to search using that default value after the import
Campaign - Your Downloads section - Name should be shown properly without extra text i.e access_review and id of the campaign and timestamp, also one record is showing access_review_history with campaign name
Exceptional Access - While creating duplicate records in master--attribute, showing error in audit log" write operation.."
SOD-In inbox, api is failing for sod risk 403 forbidden
Import user via csv- When a default value is specified in any column, users should be able to search using that default value after the import
Provision Rule/ OnDemand Rule- Showing similar roles options in dropdown
Identity Hub> Application-Application taking time to load
Provision rule-for group add i icon
My Delegation- Application logo is not visible in exclude application list
Bulk Application Unassignment - Import History- Application name is not present in Import History in the grid and in the view page
Domain Admin Role-Showing processing please wait message when clicked on configuration/logs
Domain admin specific- Domain admin is not able to assign RBAC to normal users, also no error message is shown on UI
Import Application Role - Import History- Application name is not present in Import History in the grid and in the view page
Bulk Application assignment - Import History- Application name is not present in Import History in the grid and in view page
Bulk Application Unassignment - Import History- Application name is not present in Import History in the grid and in the view page
Time based Application> Mandatory 1 role enabled- Showing 1 role mandatory error when requesting application extension for application already having role assigned
Access Review - If approver is deleted, when campaign manager clicks on Applications, getting error "IGSRVC Unknown"
Pending Workflow and Workflow list - Update the spelling "requestd " to "requested in topic
Audit log not present, when application assign via provision rule with condition rbac
Campaign - Your Downloads section - Name should be shown properly without extra text i.e access_review and id of the campaign and timestamp, also one record is showing access_review_history with campaign name
versions-cisodashboardsrvc showing error when connected without VPN
360 recon configuration-need to provide edit
Campaign - Downloads Report - Your download section - While clicking on download icon - Getting error "utilsrvc_invalid argument"
Scheduler/Scheduler history filter with mover MOVER_PROCESS not present in the Scheduler Reference Type and Entity
Application Provisioning - LDAP - While saving the config, getting error" bad request"
Hook Configuration- SMS Script- Remove) from sample script
Edit user-Custom attribute is disabled and custom attribute is mandatory then also user getting save
SOD-Inbox - In achieve section of approver, close request of requestor and in workflow list values in current risk score and projected risk score is getting updated
SOD- Already configured roles should be disabled in dropdown
SOD-Policies> Policies> Link Rule- Label change required
Mover history detail need to show username and remove time
inbox-Mover workflow-need to show all roles on hover, currently getting hide
Mover dashboard-User detected in mover and after deleted user, user detail showing error
Inbox- While scrolling the inbox when reaching the end it takes back to beginning.
Provision rule-for group add i icon
Known Bugs
manager notification: receiving user name required manager name
In application setting if show to user flag off then also application show in recent application.
Amaya || Unable to identify application properties data type where value is empty
Amaya || Create user operation fails due to invalid password
Reports- Records are getting displayed after 11min approximately
recommendation run for tenant 2711 taken 2 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes, and 12 seconds for 345,000 users
Last updated
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